Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Cliff Nature in Indonesia
Cliff Nature in Indonesia
unung Padang The mountain is located not far from the city of Padang, which is included in Nurbaya Siti Park. The cliffs are formed of basalt rock stands with a height of about 30 meters. Varying levels of difficulty, the bulge in the wall was minimal and small pieces to handle and fitted with safety. The pathway that has climbed no fewer than 4 lines are:

* Line H & R (5.9) climbed in 1991 by Harera and Edu
* Line Camp (5:11 c / d) climbed in 1990 by Rizal N
* Line Fasting (5.12) climbed in 1992 by Valdi
* Path Trek Eureka (5:11 c / d) scaled by Radit
Serelo The mountain is also known as Bukit index finger which is located in the village of Joy, Lahat regency, South Sumatra. Serelo cliff paths are clear of Lintas Sumatra. This rock type is andesite cliffs. This cliff has a peak elevation of 600 meters above sea level with slope angles between 70-90 degrees.
Ciampea Cliff is very popular with climbers Jabotabek. The cliffs are located 15 km south of Bogor city is very easily accessible public transport vehicles with a height of cliffs about 30-45 feet. On the wall is not so wide that there are five lines of climb with varying difficulty levels, namely:

* White Line
* Goat Path
* Line Intifada
* Line Bycycle
* Toke Line
The slope of the slab to the vertical walls. Cliff is very suitable for beginners to practice because it has a diverse line-level complexity.
Coconut Nunggal Cliff also has the same popularity with Cliff Ciampea for Greater climber. This cliff has a fairly high level of difficulty. Its location is situated between the town of Bogor and Jakarta, which is in Cileungsi subdistrict, Bogor district not far from the cement factory Cibinong. The height of the cliff about 1 pitch (45 m). Almost every track is climbing. At the beginning of the path is minimal overhangs grip. With such conditions, the cliffs of Palm Nunggal include categories difficult and not recommended for beginners. Also here there are also places for bouldering is quite challenging.
Citatah Cliff is also an early milestone in the history of rock climbing Indonesia. Cliff climbers pride of Bandung is located in the Village Cipatat Padalarang, Bandung. This cliff not far from the location of marble and limestone mining. Karst rocks and cliffs of this type have varying levels of difficulty. While the cliffs are most often chosen by the climber is climbing a cliff 125 and 48, because it is easy to reach and there are many paths panjatnya.
Parang Cliff is located in Kampung Parang Cihuni, Purwakarta district, West Java on the south side of the reservoir Jatiluhur. This cliff is a stone mountain has three peaks, known as the tower that stretches along the 1.5 km to the north-south, namely:

* Tower I have a height of 950 meters above sea level
* Tower II has a height of 900 meters above sea level
* Tower III has a height of 875 meters above sea level
Rock type is andesite. Rock climbing route path is the average slab and some of its path is a vertical wall. General difficulty level of this wall is VI, 5.9, A1. The wall was first climbed by a group Skygers in 1980.
Parang Tritis Limestone cliffs in this area quite challenging. In general cliff cliffs climb is located in the region Parangendog, on the east coast of Parangtritis. From a distance it looks cliffs lined in white. Height of cliff ranges between 25 to 50 meters with varying levels of difficulty from easy to difficult.
Hunchback Mountain Cliff This cliff is located in the village Sukamulya, Purwakarta, West Java. The cliffs are formed by andesite. Cliff about 40 meters high with a wall 27 meters wide and 25 meters. The pathway that has been climbing recorded three lines, namely:

* Psyco Path Matters I and II on behalf of Djati Pranoto, ujan, Mamay, Ipul, Asep, and Galina
* Line Alex and Michael.
Sepikul, Watu Limo In the midst of teak forest located in the village of Watu Court, District Watu Limo, Terri, stood east of Java volcanic rock that is named Sepikul. Rock cliffs consists of two towers, namely:

* Tower I is about 250 m
* Tower II, height 200 m
Rock type is andesite. This cliff is one of the favorite rock climber in the area of East Java. Several expeditions have been carried out in the tower I and Tower II.
Cliff Zebra Cliff Zebra is located in the Valley PANCENG, Ujung Pangkah into the region of Gresik, East Java. Named Cliff Zebra because of this cliff walls that have patterned like Zebra stripes in black and white. The cliffs are steep limestone cliffs that have a height of about 30 meters. Level of difficulty varies, some paths that have been made have this level of difficulty until 5:12 c. On this cliff has been created at least about 10 channels.
Uluwatu Uluwatu is different, the barrier reef which lies on the edge of the southern ocean, on the southern island, Bali is really challenging. Cliff whose height ranges from 75-100 m it has many routes to climb. Some paths must descend telebih new first climb because there is no beach, others can be directly scaled from the beach though because there are narrow. Level of difficulty varies from easy to difficult. Relief wall tends sharp. In addition, this cliff located near the sea.
Dark Hill Hill stretching from west to east is about 16 km from City Sintang, West Kalimantan. The height of this hill about 931 m above sea level, while the high cliffs that climb about 400 meters. Hill andesite is estimated that a massive andesites of the largest in Indonesia. For some residents of Bukit Tenebrous including the sacred mountain. At the foot of the cliff quite dense and moist due to lack of sunlight shining on the foot of this cliff.
Hill Tangkiling This hill is located in the District of Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. Cliff about 70 meters high. This hill is included rare cliff climbing, the path that was made just recorded two tracks of Ramadan and lane lines Ramona S. Mamay track maker Salim in 1993.
Bambapuang This limestone cliff about 350 meters high and is located in the village of Kotu, Enrekang, South Sulawesi. This cliff is one of the favorite rock climbers, in addition to high enough, the track was quite challenging for the climb. Pathways available varies from easy to difficult. To resolve a path most have taken in recent days. Therefore, these cliffs including bigwall path that requires special preparation for the climb.
Fur Sumpang Sirolo This cliff is one among tens and even hundreds of cliff cliff located in the District and Pangkep Maros, South Sulawesi. Located in the village Siloro belonging to the area of PT Semen Tonasa II. Types of rock climbing is a high karst cliffs about 100 meters and width of the wall about 60 meters. Technical climbing on the cliffs of this can be done artificially or free climbing. Safety and handles quite a lot.
Cliff Sarera A high cliff about 125 meters is located in the village of Bua, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi. These cliff walls in some parts of the fragile, so the climber must be careful when climbing.
Carstensz Pyramide Jayawijaya Mountains with its highest peak of Carstensz Pyramide (4484) arguably the most prestigious mountain for climbers Indonesia, even the world. Steep walls of the 200-meter-high andesite on the south side of Valley Yellow is one of the 7 Summits in 7 Continent. Not everyone can easily reach the site which is located in the middle of the highest mountains in Irian Jaya. It takes a pretty hard struggle to get through the obstacles that block. If funds are not an issue, then the first constraint is facing licensing issues. If the wrong licensing issues, can virtually climb or expedition had been going 50% (?). Natural conditions extreme enough other problems to be faced, so the physical preparation climbers also must be a major concern and of course must be supported by adequate equipment as well. At least there are two common routes taken by the climbers to base camp towards the Valley of the Lakes which is located in one of these tropical iceberg, namely through the north of the Ilaga and the south side through the Freeport mine area, Tembagapura. Through Ilaga takes about 7 days trekking trip to get to the Valley of the Lakes (base camp I), was from the City Tembagapura only requires 5-7 hours of travel. In addition to Carstensz north wall, north wall of Puncak Jaya is one of the cliffs are very challenging to climb.

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